Portable Yagi-Uda satcom antenna

Assembled Yagi-Uda antenna for UHF satcom

For covering wide frequency range the Yagi-Uda antenna is not best choice. NanoVNA came with quite cool design which benefits from resonation between radiator and first director causing lowering gain but making it very wideband.

MMANA model of the antenna and currents on elements.
Radiation pattern of the antenna in vertical and horizontal plane.
Unusually wide frequency range of Yagi-Uda antenna.
Impedance of the antenna across 240 to 320 MHz.
Detail of BNC connector feeding dipole.
Disassembled antenna.

4 thoughts on “Portable Yagi-Uda satcom antenna”

  1. Hello Tomas!
    It is not possible to download files for manufacturing on your site Portable Yagi-Uda satcom antenna! Please send me the archive by mail saprykin.yura@gmail.com.
    I’m from Ukraine!
    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi Yuriy,
      If your browser won´t start downloading please use right button and then click Save Link.
      Please let me know if it work.

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