You were not clickbaited it is official name on Aliexpress 🙂
If you wondered how this antenna performs how is its SWR or what is hidden inside fiber-glass tube check the pictures below. Teardown of antenna is irreversible process beacuse everyting is glued together.

I dont know how manufacturer measures the antenna or if this design is one of that “dualband” because the resonance frequency is somewhere between VHF and UHF band but it looks like 300 MHz is a sweetpot.

Inside the antenna there is very interesting combination of sleeve monopole (counterweight) with normal mode helix as radiator. Further investigation of antenna will follow next time.
There is antenna specification from seller on Aliexpress:
Brand:REVEX (Nagoya)
Connector Type: SMA-Female
Frequency: 400-470MHz (400-470MHz will be better signal)
Gain: 3.5dBi
Max Power: 20Watts.
V.S.W.R: Less than 1.5.
Impedance: 50ohm.
Antenna length:330mm